Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke píše v Út 31. 05. 2022 v 19:49 +0200:

> I'd be curious to know what would be (from the point of TDF's mission
> /
> statutes) the difference between working on the source code by in-
> house
> developers and by tendering and paying a commercial company for doing
> this work?
> I only could see the difference that in one case TDF has full control
> and has not to pay for the benefit of a commercial company. And thus
> in
> the first case could get reach more targets / tickets done than in
> the
> latter case from my point of view.

The difference is that once you hire a developer / developers, the
development becomes a mandatory expense - TDF has to pay their wage
every month.  Also when TDF switches targets, it has to pay for the
time the developers have to spend learning the new area.

On the other hand, the tendering is (and always has been) only budgeted
from the excess, as the last thing after all the other costs (staff,
marketing, infrastructure, etc. etc.) are covered - which gives TDF
much more freedom in the planning: it can decide not to tender at all,
if all the other costs give no room for that (and avoid hard decisions
where to cut - infrastructure? conference? or even jobs?).

And obviously, for tendering, TDF should choose projects that fit the
mission, no question about that.

All the best,

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