
Paolo Vecchi wrote on 15/07/2022 13:24:

I believe his assumptions come from the following statements:

"Therefore I really think that it is needed that this type of mail is not moderated through."


"So again, I regret that it has been moderated through in this form. I will further discuss this in the board internally."

These statements from a member of the board do give the impression that he wants to censor the opinions of another member of the board.

Ah yes, cut only part of a text, and you can 'prove' about anything, I would say. Let me add the reference here for full text.

So far that wasn't provided in this thread..

The content of the email is highly controversial, disregards the right of expressing one's opinion and instigates censorship but it has gone through.

Not at all. Reading my mail, makes clear that the worrisome parts are
_not_ the fact that there is a different opinion on the App stores.
The mail explains that the communication of a board member is disrespecting board procedures, that it contains a passive accusation to other board members, and that is spreads misinformation about what the CoI policy is for.

If that is still below the level required for moderation then, looking at board-discuss mailing list, the moderation put in place is of no use and it should just be removed to stop giving the impression that some members of the board don't want uncomfortable, but sometimes needed, discussions in public.

As stated in the mail, I have no problem with a different opinion on the boards decision. I also gave a hint of a possible way that could be used to express that opinion in a helpful way, not with all rest, that really is not needed to express a fair opinion.



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