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The Document Foundation
Board of Directors Meeting 2022-05-16
Meeting Minutes

Date: 2022-05-16
Location: Jitsi

Session chair: Thorsten Behrens
Keeper of the minutes: Stephan Ficht

In the meeting:
Board Members - Thorsten Behrens, Caolán McNamara, Cor Nouws, Jan Holešovský, Emiliano Vavassori, Laszlo Nemeth
    Board Deputy Members - Gabor Kelemen, Gabriel Masei, Ayhan Yalçınsoy
    Membership Committee Members -
    Membership Committee Substitute Members - Uwe Altmann
    Team - Stephan Ficht, Florian Effenberger, Sophie Gautier
    Community -

Representation: Ayhan for Paolo

The Board of Directors at time of the call consists of 7 seat holders without deputies. In order to be quorate, the call needs to have 1/2 of the Board of Directors members, which gives 4. A total of 7 Board of Directors members are attending or represented in the call.

The board waives all formal statutory requirements, or requirements in the foundations articles, or other requirements regarding form and invitation, time limits, and for the topics discussed in this meeting.

The meeting is quorate and invitation happened in time. From now on, motions can be passed with the agreement of a simple majority of those remaining present. The majority threshold is currently 4.

Any updates regarding director affiliations & statements of conflicts of interest for agenda items:
* no changes, current affiliations see election page:

The public meeting commences at 16:03 UTC / 18:03 Berlin time.

Public part

1. Q&A: Answering questions from the community (all, 10 mins)
    Rationale: Provide an opportunity for the community to ask
    questions to the board and about TDF
    * no questions
    * summary: -none-
    * status of consent (none, poor, mostly, full): -
    * next step(s): -

2. Missing representation statements (Laszlo, Thorsten, 5 mins)
    * all sorted
     * summary: -none-
     * status of consent (none, poor, mostly, full): -full-
     * next step(s): -none-

The public meeting ends at 16:04 UTC / 18:04 Berlin time.

Private part

3. Onboarding: nonprofit workshop (Uwe, Florian, all 40 mins)
    Reason for privacy: HR, tax or legal topics

4. Discuss: Last minute item(s) (owner of the item, all 5 mins)
    Rationale: if there is time left, and anything is popping up after
    sending the agenda
    Reason for privacy: HR, tax or legal topics

The private meeting ends at 17:30 UTC / 19:30 Berlin time.

Thorsten Behrens (Session chair)
Stephan Ficht (Keeper of the minutes)

Stephan Ficht, Administrative Assistant
Tel: +49 30 5557992-64 | Mail:
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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