At 09:09 AM 9/2/2003, Matthew Towler wrote:

>I have been attempting to build boost 1.30.2 for a number of platforms.
>I also wish to generate the html testsuite output for several reasons -
>My own peace of mind, because we are using a reasonably large number of
>platforms (some of which do not appear on the status tables), and so I
>can see which parts of the libraries work on all our platforms.
>In general I have been successful with the building of the
>tools/libraries and running the testsuites as per the documentaion to
>produce bjam.log.  However when I try to process the bjam.log I get a
>number of errors and/or erroneous output.  I will describe my gcc/linux
>experience as this is the platform I expected to have least trouble with.

Are you using from CVS or your own script?

The kinds of troubles you describe can be caused by (1) wrong BOOST_ROOT, (2) failing to cd $boost_root/status before running the tests, (3) wrong arguments to the actual programs.

>I checked that BOOST_ROOT was set to

That looks very suspicious and is almost certainly wrong. What I would expect is BOOST_ROOT set to:


or possibly (if you have copied the tree to 0.2):


Which of those directories has c++boost.gif, LICENSE, and README? Those live in the root directory, so can be checked for to verify you have BOOST_ROOT set correctly.



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