At 04:07 PM 11/10/2002, Jens Maurer wrote:

>Jens Maurer wrote:
>> I've checked in my paper N1398 to libs/random/wg21-proposal.html
>> This will be in the post-Santa Cruz mailing of the ISO C++
>> committee and will form the basis for discussion at the next
>> meeting in Oxford, England.
>> Thanks to all who offered comments and suggestions.
>I forgot: The modifications to Boost.Random so that it is
>compatible with the specification are not yet checked in,
>since the structure of the end-user interface has been changed
>How should I proceed?

It isn't just your random proposal. Every proposal will probably have at least minor changes compared to the Boost version. Regex has some fairly major interface changes, IIRC.

Furthermore, the committee may change the interface yet again during the TR process.

Some developers may just want to change their current Boost library to conform with the TR. Others may want to support both versions for a time.

Howard Hinnant has suggested the library TR use namespace std::tr (or similar), so that if further interface changes are needed at the time of the next standard, implementors won't be forced to break existing user code.

Boost might want to consider something similar, although I'm unsure of the details of how that might work.


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