Edward Diener wrote:
1) Are the get(), put() functions somewhere, like in the boost namespace ?
Is there a doc for the parameters these functions take, or is it the intent
that if one wants to use them, one looks in the source code to figure them
out ?

2) What is the necessary interface to a property map which you mention
above. I see property map categories, property traits, property map types,
but I am missing an understanding from the documentation of the necessary
interface for creating a property map ?
there are subpages for each property map category. perhaps you have missed to read them. the first time i read the property map doc i somehow missed these subpages and was also had problems understanding the documentation.

eg: http://www.boost.org/libs/property_map/ReadablePropertyMap.html


jan langer ... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"pi ist genau drei"

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