Robert Ramey wrote:
From: Alberto Barbati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1) I don't like the non-intrusive way of specifying the version/save/load operation.
a non-intrusive method is required to implement serialization for classes that
you don't want to change.  For example, the library includes serialization
for all STL containers with without changing STL itself.  This would
permit easy and optional addition of serialization to any class that
might benefit from it
As pointed out by Vladimir, I am not disputing the presence of the non-intrusive method, which is indeed necessary. It's the way that is implemented (through template specialization) that I don't like. Free functions are a much better option, in my opinion.

2) A most needed addition to the design is to provide a sort of
"registry" object.....

This has been a hot topic. It is really not possible to achieve the
desired results. I will add a section to th rationale explaining this
in detail,
Please note that the "registry" class I described *does not* attempt to solve the broader issue of UUIDs I read about in the discussion between you and Vladimir. My proposal is just a way to separate the "registration" part from the "serialization" into two different compontents. Still the classes will be matched according to their registration order, as it happens now. I am ready to discuss the opportunity and/or usefulness of this approach, but I don't see the reason why this could not be done.

One note: the library, as it is, *does not* support Unicode output, as stated. The library supports wide streams, yes, but that does not mean Unicode support.
So what do I have to do exactly in the warchive specialization to generat
Unicode output?
As I said in my post, you have to imbue the stream with a locale holding the correct codecvt facet, before using it to serialize. Unfortunately, such a facet is not part of the ANSI standard and is the subject of a separate proposal of mine (see thread "codecvt facets for utf8/utf16/utf32").

BTW, with the current implementation even doing so is completely useless, as there are lines like this:


that reset the locale of the streams to the "dumb" default. Such lines are IMO both unnecessary and conceptually wrong, and should be removed.

On a different topic, I found a portability issue. The current implementation record in the archives the size of the basic types int, long, float and double. This gives you a *false* sense of security that the "writing" and "reading" platform agree on the type size. First objection: you should check also number of bits of a char, which is not necessarily 8 bits, and the size of shorts. However, it gets worse. On both x86 and i64 plaforms int, long and float are 4 bytes, while double is 8 bytes, so they "agree" according to this test. However, type size_t on x86 has 4 bytes, while on i64 has 8 bytes. It's not hard to imagine an application that tries to serialize a size_t. The library won't detect the issue, but the compiler will use a different overloads of operators << and >> with clearly bad consequences. The same problem may happen with other typedef'd types. Maybe it would be a good idea to add in the documentation a note warning about this case and encouraging the use of fixed-size types (like boost::int8_t, etc.) for the members of a serializable class, at least when multi-plaform is an issue.

Moreover, this issue is now present in library itself! In file archive.cpp, function write_string() writes the length of the string as a size_t, while read_string() reads it as an unsigned int, which may have a different size.

Alberto Barbati

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