Hasty patch to get some code shared with an MSVC using colleague, so it
just solves my immediate problems the dirtiest way possible <g>

I'm not sure what BOOST macros might otherwise cover these same issues,
or what to change in config.

Changes to format_class.hpp  [from boost 1_29_0]

Patch pt 1:

template<class Ch, class Tr>
class basic_format
#if defined( __BORLANDC__ )  //  AJM patch for BCB5
  typedef Ch Ch_type;
  typedef Tr Tr_type;


Patch pt 2:

  // pass arguments through those operators :
  template<class T>  basic_format&   operator%(const T& x)
#if defined( __BORLANDC__ )
    return io::detail::feed<Ch_type, Tr_type, const T&>(*this,x);
    return io::detail::feed<Ch, Tr, const T&>(*this,x);

  template<class T>  basic_format&   operator%(T& x)
#if defined( __BORLANDC__ )
    return io::detail::feed<Ch_type, Tr_type, T&>(*this,x);
    return io::detail::feed<Ch, Tr, T&>(*this,x);

Patch pt 3:
[around line 110]
// This might be better handled by patching config for this compiler?

#if !defined( BOOST_NO_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS )  && !defined(


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