To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I found an IRC bot on a friend's linux computer that got in by
exploiting a weak password. A tar of the irc client (called "linux"),
some input text files, and the logs from the botnet IRC channel
(*.seen), as well as the attacker's .bash_history, is attached. The
seen files have a list of other bots, and the irc client still seems
to be able to log on to the channel (#unixware on undernet as far as I
can tell, requires a key that I wasn't able to find out probably
because I didn't use the right tools). Hope someone can make use of
this information.

File available here:

To report a botnet PRIVATELY please email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
All list and server information are public and available to law enforcement 
upon request.

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