On 9/28/02 9:19 PM, "Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Matthew and Julie Bos wrote:
>> To accuse only the Republicans of politicizing the war exposes the polarity
>> of your views on the matter.
> They all play politics, but Bush & Co. seem to have taken it to a new
> level, basically  using the fear generated by 911 to obscure the
> important issues of an election. Far more despicable, IMO, than the more
> mundane kind of politics described in the Miller piece you posted.

But the reason for the flare up this week was because of the issues stated
in my last posting.  It might be mundane, but it is what passes for news.

If the Democrats wanted to shift the emphasis off of national security they
should have done it months before.  Two months before elections is not
enough time to frame any issue before voters.

Then again, neither party is really pushing any new initiatives (Social
Security, Health Care, etc.) this election season.

Let's wait until after the elections!  :(
Matthew Bos


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