The Fool wrote:
> > In what way is halloween any more pagan/occultic/etc. than christmas,
> > easter, or valentines day?  They all come from ancient pagan
> > god worship.

John Horn wrote:
>IIRC, All Hallow's Eve is the night before All Saints Day a Catholic (?)
>holiday.  On All Hallow's Eve, the dead can walk the earth or something 
>that.  So it isn't really pagan.
>Or I could be wrong...

The original holiday was Samhain, one of the big 8 pagan holidays or 
festivals, along with Beltane (April 30/May 1, or Mayday), Ostara (Vernal 
Equinox, right around what's now called Easter), Litha (Summer Solstice, aka 
St. John's Eve), Lughnassad (August 1 or thereabouts), Mabon (fall equinox), 
Yule (Winter Solstice, aka Christmas), and Imbolc (February 1).

For more info, Google gives a plethora of links.

Reggie Bautista
GSV More info available upon request

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