The traditional method of disseminating information
about cancer is through books and articles in scientific
journals, and IARC has a long tradition of publishing in
this way (now available from IARCPress).
Electronic publication provides an opportunity for
increased access to the information we have collected
over many years and increased flexibility in the information
which can be obtained. The aim of this project is provide
online access to data on the incidence, prevalence,
survival and mortality of cancer held by the IARC Unit of
Descriptive Epidemiology.

World Health Organization searches are helpful

My personal opinion (I'm omnivore -- I love my burgers,
veggies, fish and most anything you put in front of me) is
tigers, dogs, cats, and other carnivores (other than hûman)
IIRC have short digestive tracts i.e. a tiger is about 5 ft. so
the meat in goes out quickly before rotting.
Vegetarians have longer (a lot!) digestive tracts. When
the veggies stay there for a while they tend to fart,
while there is no evidence based research that the rotting
meat causes cancer, there does seem to be anecdotal
research suggesting such.

Has anybody checked who farts more?, their dogs and
cats, or their rabbits and cockatoos?, horses and cows?

Han Tacoma

~ Artificial Intelligence is better than none! ~


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