At 07:21 PM 6/12/2003 -0700, you wrote:
--- Russell Chapman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Adam C. Lipscomb wrote:
> >Great idea!  I've got a Secret Volcano Lair, can
> you bring the
> >Plutonium and the Deadly Bikini-clad Vixens?
> >
> Just so I know when I parachute/jet-ski/scuba-dive
> into the cavern under
> your lair on my to saving the world from your
> dastardly plot...
> Are these Deadly Vixens clad in Bikinis, or Vixens
> clad in Deadly
> Bikinis? I need to know if I'm still in danger after
> I've seduced them
> and got them nekkid...
> Cheers
> Russell 007 C

It seems like he's getting the better of the deal.  I
mean, which would you rather have, a volcano lair or
bikini clad vixens?

Gautam Mukunda

I have volcano (looking) hair. So fun being call heat miser as a child. And in college.

and that was before I started combing my hair that way.

Of course grey hairs are creeping in. Is this what life is all about?

Kevin T. - VRWC
Not as bad as being called Ronald McDonald...


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