Zack & Laura Gardner,

Thanks for your kind words and insights. I find it genuinely moving when
people write to me in the way you did.

You have a sharp eye.  You might enjoy some of the keen-eyed discussions
that take place at the Brin-L discussion list!  Unfortunately, I have lost
track of their web site, so I will copy this to them so they can invite you
to join.

As for Foundation's Triumph, yes, I laid hints.  I planned to make those
hints explicit with a denouement to the book, then decided to leave it out
so the story would be clean.  But for you (!) I will attach the denouement

As for my other works: I love the Uplift Universe, and I'm glad you liked
the books too. But I can't do just one thing.  I do hope to get back to Tom
& Creideiki, but first some other projects.  There ARE a couple of gifts for
Uplift fans along the way.  See the story "Temptation" downloadable at

Now published by Bantam Books, Contacting Aliens: An Illustrated Guide To
David Brin's Uplift Universe is a fun tour of the many alien races people
enjoyed in books like Startide Rising and The Uplift War. Also soon to be
revised and released: the legendary Uplift game, GURPS Uplift! In
preparation for the long-awaited publication of the new, updated edition,
author-designer Stefan Jones has created a special page of interest to
gamers and Uplift fans alike.
The title of my new novel -- the most original thing I've done in years --
is Kiln People. It's has had rave reviews. Take the notion of golems --
temporary clay people (not clones!) -- and now imagine a near future when
everybody  can make them. Using a "home copier" you ditto your memories --
perhaps even a genuine imprint of your soul -- and off goes the duplicate to
run your errands, attend your classes, or do all the drudgery work. Then, at
day's end, you download the golem's memories. This is a book with ideas for
grownups... mixed into a fast-moving noir detective story that's just plain

Paramount and DC-Wildstorm were so happy with my graphic novel,
"Forgiveness" that they asked me to come up with a new hardcover graphic
novel... this time an original. The Life Eaters covers a much, much darker
theme, building dramatically from a novella that came in second for a Hugo
some years ago.
This bold work asks: what might the Nazis have really been up to? Perhaps a
hidden agenda that nobody knows about even to this day? The theme is
explored with stirring imagery, again by Scott Hampton, all the way to a
surprising finish. Keep your eyes open for it in fall 2003.

Also in the works, a "Heinleinian" book in which aliens kidnap 3,000 kids
from a Californian high school.

With best wishes for a happy, successful 21st Century!

David Brin






“So did Hariseldon get to see Dors again, before he died?”

“Of course he did. Why do you ask? We have played at least fifty simulations
of the reunion, some of them with high fidelity/probability scores. In all
of them we sense their love. Their joy, combined with poignant sadness at
having to part again, so soon.”

“Yes, but why did he have to die?”

“It wasn’t optional.   Anyway, he was ready for that body of his to join the
Great Cycle.”

“You’re holding something back. I can feel it. Tell me what it is!”

“Are you sure you’re ready? You are still quite young and it’s a bit

“I’m sure I’m ready.  Tell me!”

“Well.. there is a continuaton, of a sort. For now, let’s call it a fable.
Something that might have happened, somewhen along the stream that flows
from past to present.”

“Is it a true story?

“That will be for you to investigate for yourself. But I can tell you how it

(===========a new page... the final page of this adventure... the first page
of the next? ====)

        On a planet. 
                On a hillside. 
                        Time had passed.

        In a cave. 
                In a long, white box. 
                        A human being awoke.
        Pushing back the lid, he breathed clean air. 
Sitting up, he gazed past green meadows toward an evening already bright
with crowded stars.
        Shading his eyes, he looked upon the future.
        “Pengia,” he said. “I wonder what year it is.”
        Looking at his right hand, Hari flexed strong fingers. He felt young.

        He smiled. There was much to do.


 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Dear Sir,
> I have just finished re-reading your book Foundation's Triumph. Months of
searching by every search engine know to man have lead me to this point. I
must know........what are in the white coffin-shaped cases that the opposing
robotic faction carries off Seldon's ship? Why does Hari keep waking up
after treatments feeling like he's lost something? Has Daneel's 'enemys'
pulled one over on our favorite all seeing all knowing robot?
> Congratulations on a superbly written novel sir. You do my favorite author
and the genre of sci-fi a great service when you wrote this masterpeice!
>Best Wishes,
>Zach Gardner
>Do you Yahoo!?
>SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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