From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Scouted: Lawyers are evil and must be destroyed . . . Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 14:02:56 -0500


Last Update: 10/09/2003 17:46

Egyptian lawyer to sue Jews for biblical 'plunder'

By Reuters

CAIRO - An Egyptian lawyer said on Wednesday he was planning to sue the world's Jews for "plundering" gold during the Exodus from Pharaonic Egypt thousands of years ago, based on information in the Bible.


"Hilmi's assertion that the Hebrew Bible is fact has given Israel and Jews the world over a reason to rejoice. He has opened the door for all Jews to sue Egypt for over 400 years of slavery," writer Beth Goodman told Reuters.

LOL! Oops! Back to the ol' drawing board!

Thanks for posting this. I needed the laugh. :-D


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