Nick Arnett wrote:
> Bryon Daly wrote:
> > You said this was effectively a DOS attack, and DOS attacks are illegal,
> > aren't they?  Does the spammer's home city have a police computer crime
> > division?  Perhaps the FBI?  If you describe the attack as by "hackers"
> > rather than "spammers" and put some high dollar figure on the "damages",
> > you might actually get some law enforcement response.  Law enforcement
> > seems to tend to be rather overzealous in persuing computer crime in
> > some instances.
> True... but I guess I didn't mention that the dastardly spammer in
> question is located in Toronto.  I imagine I'd have a hard time getting
> authorities in either country to take any action.

You *did* mention.  I was thinking about commenting on that last night,
but I figured I'd be better off just heading for bed at that point, and
that someone else would point it out.


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