Deborah Harrell wrote:
> Debbi
> who is rooting for spontaneous labor, but those little
> Hippos ain't making it easy, are they?  :}

They don't want to budge, or so it seems.  At least they're dropping,
but that isn't exactly comfortable for *me*.  :P  (I think they were at
a reasonable position on Sunday.  It's not so reasonable now.  My back
no longer remembers not being in at least a bit of pain, but that
oughtn't be *chronic*, at least!)

And I bet that together they weigh more than 15 lbs. (we'll find out
about birthweights once they're born), and it's just getting really

Dan has at least figured out the proper way to deal with me when I'm
having a contraction.  (Still as erratic as ever, of course.)  I'm
hoping that'll help some tomorrow.  :)


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