--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> or
> http://makeashorterlink.com/?L11652806
> Some interesting commentary on the bogus politics of Ahhhnold and the 
> Republicans.
> "The average Californian pays just more than 16 percent of his or her 
> income in state and local taxes, compared to a national average of 15 
> percent. That, as we're learning, isn't enough to pay for the high level 
> of services we demand.
> Schwarzenegger and state Sen. Tom McClintock, the conservative who's his 
> chief Republican opponent, talk glowingly about the wonderful days of 
> the 1960s, when, in Schwarzenegger's words, "this great state said to 
> the people everywhere: Come here, work hard, play by the rules, and your 
> dreams can come true."
> But in 1968, California was a high tax state -- among the top 10 in the 
> country. The previous year, California's new Republican governor, Ronald 
> Reagan, had just called for, and signed, the biggest tax increase in the 
> history of any state."
> Doug
> Lying liars....

But if we are going to truly be "fair and balanced" we have to look at both
sides objectivly. 

I say send a message to both parties that their BS has got to go. 

Vote for Larry Flynt.

Come on, it wont be all that bad, and and it just might shake up the parties.
After all, if it doesn't work out we can allways just have another recal.

               Jan William Coffey

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