----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chad Cooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Killer Bs Discussion'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 5:53 PM
Subject: RE: Vatican Vs Science: 'condoms don't stop hiv / AIDS'
> Consider shining the light the other way. Why would those being consulted
> not use condoms not be completely outraged by such statements?
> The fact is, those cultures that have the highest incidents of the
> are those that don't believe condoms work. The Church, in this case, is
> merely reflecting the cultural beliefs of the afflicted countries.

While I certainly disagree with the facts that the Catholic church are
emphasizing; saying that the use of a condom will prevent the transmission
of AIDS is clearly a false statement.  It significantly lowers the
probability of transmission; and should certainly be recommended for people
who have unsafe sex, but it does prevent stop the transmission of AIDS any
more than it prevent pregnancies.

The only way to be sure one does not get AIDS is to only have sex in
mutually monogamous relationships.  That's a factual statement that the
Catholic church emphasizes.  Where I differ with them is in accepting the
fact that many folks will have unsafe sex and its better to offer something
that would lower the risk than it is to preach behaviors that, while they
eliminate the risk, simply won't be followed.

The higher incident of AIDS in Africa has to do with the lack of treatment
for other venereal diseases.  As a result, men often have open sores,
through which they can become infected from sex with a woman.  In the US,
the lack of such open sores means that, to first order, only men are

Dan M.


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