> So, to get back to Damon's comments, let me ask a
> question.  Why should a
> PR victory for a communist dictatorship elicit all
> that much interest?

Well, not much from the west, I suppose, because there
may very well be the idea of "been there, done that."
When you're sending shuttles into orbit almost monthly
(at least pre Columbia; don't know what the rate is
now) the idea that the Chinese can put a man in orbit
is not that impressive.

Of course its a HUGE victory for the CHinese people,
and a national boost to morale and pride. This, I
think, can be dangerous for the US in particular and
the West in general. China may feel that it needs to
"prove" something...that its as good as the West, that
they have technology, or that they are deserving of
being in the international spotlight. A burgeoning
country with something to prove is something that must
be watched...

> Dan M.
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Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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