Say it ain't so!  Surely a company awarded a lucrative
contract without having to bid for it wouldn't try to
take advantage!

And gasoline hasn't dropped to ~$1.40 here now that
Labor Day is well past...(from ~$1.68 right

"...Reps. Henry Waxman of California and John Dingell
of Michigan complained to the Bush administration that
Halliburton's KBR subsidiary is billing the Army
between $1.62 and $1.70 per gallon, while the average
price for Middle East gasoline is 71 cents...

"...Halliburton, originally hired to extinguish oil
fires, has received the expanded role of restoring
Iraq's oil industry. The company has been paid $1.4
billion through September for its work..." 

I suspect this _possible_ overcharge is mere chump
change, however, in the total reconstruction picture.

How *Did* Golf Originate, Again? Maru

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