William T Goodall wrote:

> > In Heinlein's books, humans are always the toughest
> > species in the cosmos.

> It was also a notion that Analog editor John W Campbell was
> keen on with the result that there were a couple of generations
> of sf where the clever/tough/plucky/lucky humans defeated the
> aliens against overwhelming odds.

> I read somewhere that Asimov had a humans-only universe to
> sidestep that editorial requirement. Then wrote _The Gods
> Themselves_ (with aliens) after JWC's death.

That's also what I remember reading. In fact, it was this
very subject that first got me on Brin-L. I read a comment
on Hector's web site wondering why Asimov used an all-human
Galaxy, and I emailed him that answer. He invited me onto
his new David Brin list, and the rest is history. :-)
Steve Sloan ......... Huntsville, Alabama =========> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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