Our artist of Contacting Aliens has not yet answered back.

If Brin does not do it, I'll have to try to fill in.

We have to have a hoon dressed up as the Mikado.

It's too good.

If I ever get around to building a Hoon 3D model, which I plan to do for a shirt someday, I could probably do it. ______________________________________________________________________ Steve Sloan ......... Huntsville, Alabama =========> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brin-L list pages .............................. http://www.brin-l.org Science Fiction-themed online store ..... http://www.sloan3d.com/store Chmeee's 3D Objects .................... http://www.sloan3d.com/chmeee 3D and Drawing Galleries .................. http://www.sloansteady.com Software ................ Science Fiction, Science, and Computer Links Science fiction scans ......................... http://www.sloan3d.com


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