At 12:38 AM 2/29/2004 -0600 Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> My preference is that people recognize the irony of my predicament
>when I
>> am being criticized on Brin-L *simultaneously* for being
>> original in thought and also for being too original in thought.
>This paragraph is the key to a misunderstanding.
>None of my comments (re: running with the pack, dittophasia) were
>directed towards your arguments, the arguments you were making or any
>originality or lack thereof.

So, if your remarks were not directed towards my arguments, should I
presume then that they were directed towards me personally?   ;-)

>It was the fact that you came out against Gay Marriage (at all) that
>my comments were directed towards. (re: gay best friend)
>What I am seeing or think I'm seeing is that whatever side of an issue
>the Whitehouse falls on, you are right in there Rah Rah Rah.

See, and this is the kind of dishonesty I have to put up with around here
that positively infuriates me.   What you are basically saying is that "I
am a hack."     I was on this List for at least four years of the Clinton
Administration.    I don't recall many people being accused of: "whatever
side of an issue the Whitehouse falls on, you are right in there Rah Rah
Rah."   I certainly don't recall any of the liberals on Brin-L *ever* being
challenged to make a 15-point List of disagreements that they have with
their Party, It's Leaders, and others generally associated with their

Nevertheless, I understand that Brin-L is substantially biased to the
Left-Wing, so I decided to play-along and I *made* such a List.    I forget
everything exactly that I said about it, but I think that I said something
to the effect that President Bush sold-out on carbon emissions trading.
But at any rate, I listed plenty of disagreements.

And yet, even after going through all of that, which was just a little
humiliating and degrading to me, I *still* get pure bulls*** like this from
you about how I am a "hack" and how I am just "running with the pack," like
I am a mindless sheep or something.  And to think that you claim to be one
of the more "reasonable" left-wingers on this List.  

Fine then.   Like Tom said,  I am just going to have to accept that Brin-L
is what it is.  I will accept the fact that in the minds of plenty of the
Left-Wingers around here it is impossible to be right-wing and have
respectability and credibility.   That's just how it is then, and I am just
going to deal with it.

>I suspect that the *real* reasons lie with your religious beliefs
>which like mine, are Catholic, yet unlike mine are very conservative.
>I don't begrudge you that, in fact I respect it, but we are somewhat
>protected from each others beliefs as a secondary effect of the
>Constitution. Are we not?

And if the root of my beliefs was in conservative Catholicism, shouldn't I
have been opposed to the US Supreme Court's decision rendering Texas'
anti-sodomy laws Unconstitutional?    Shouldn't I also oppose civil unions?

And yet, I do not.   Despite the fact that Scalia wrote a blistering
dissent of th Texas decision, and that there are plenty of conservatives
who are opposing the Musgrave Amendment on the grounds that it permits
civil unios.

But I forgot, I am just "running with the pack" on this one.   Rah Rah
Scalia, right?

>Just continue my friend. And if we don't agree, we will at least
>understand better.

I wish that I could beleive you on that.    Yet, from my very days on this
List, I have been talking abortion, and I have always said that my goal is
not necessarily to convince everyone here of the pro-life position, but to
at least have most of the people here better *understand* pro-lifers, and
why we take the positions we do.

And yet, after all of these years, you still dragged out that hideous
ridiculous nonsense about "e-e-e-e-very sperm is sacred" (which was written
by Monty Python as a direct mockery of pro-lifers BTW) and acted as if it
somehow had an iota of intellectual relevance in it.     I can't tell you
absolutely incredibly disappointing it was for me to see that you hadn't
really begun to understand anything at all.


John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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