At 11:49 PM 2/28/2004 -0600 Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> At 12:39 AM 2/28/2004 -0500 Bryon Daly wrote:
>> >- The political differences between Catholic Church leadership and
>> >Protestant leadership these days are rather small, leaving them
>> >on the same side of the political aisle.
>> Well, the leadership of the Catholic Church leans very strongly
>towards the
>> Democratic Party on many issues.
>> The leadership of most evangelical Protestatns, of course, leans
>> strongly towards the Republican Party.
>> > Also, there's Catholic politicians like
>> >Ted Kennedy
>> >who is strongly pro-choice, drawing a line between his faith's
>doctrine and
>> >his political
>> >vote.
>> Of course, there is a very reasonable argument to be made that Ted
>> is no longer Catholic, since assisting someone in the procurement of
>> abortion carries the penalty of automatic excommunication from the
>> Church.
>It's unreasonable if one or the other never occurred.
>(As in Ted Kennedy being excommunicated would be very big news.)

You misunderstand.   The excommunication is automatic.    

The only question is whether or not Ted Kennedy's actions in the Senate can
reasonably be considered as having aided and abetting the procurement of an

For the most part, it is a question that Sen. Kennedy needs to answer in
his own heart, hopefully before he passes away.

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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