At 06:00 PM 2/29/2004 +0000 Robert J. Chassell wrote:
>This does tell us that Chalabi is happy and suggests that he did not
>mind whether the intelligence was accurate.  

While that is n degrees to cavalier.

The world is better off today than it was one year ago today.

We should make no apologies for that.

>The analyses I have seen suggest that the US invaded Iraq in order to
>intimidate other Muslim countries

1) The DPRK is not a Muslim country.

2) Baathist Iraq in many ways was not a Muslim country either.

>and that opposition to nuclear,
>radiological, chemical and biological weapons was a `selling point',
>not a primary reason. 

It was chosen as the primary selling point among a host of primary reasons,
all of which were sufficient by themselves to justify the invasion.   After
all, Iraq's possession of these weapons was considered to be a certainty,
as was the illegality of Iraq's continued possession of these weapons.   It
was a very simple open-and-shut case.

> the US looks at the moment to be gaining less than Iran has
>gained.  This is the issue.

I totally disagree:
1) The US has gained the peaceful strategic removal of its forces from
Saudi Arabia
2) The US has gained the liberation of 38 million people from utter oppression
3) The US has gained the strategic security of knowing that Iraq will never
again attack Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, or Israel, as it has in the past.
4) The US has eliminated a key source of funding for Palestinian terrorists.
5) The US has eliminated a key potential source of transit of chemical,
biological, and radiological weapons, as well as of nuclear technology, to
our various enemies.
6) The US has gained, by the end of this year, the largest free elections
among Arabs, *ever.*

Meanwhile, Iran has:
- been forced to come clean regarding three separate nuclear programs,
about which the outside world has been unaware.    This information was
revealed by an Iranian dissident who only came forward after the war in
Iraq.    Coincidence?    Perhaps, but I think not.

-Iran has lost substanital democratic legitimacy after its abysmal recent
Parliamentary elections.   The establishment of free elections in
neighboring Iraq, will surely prove to be a direct threat to the Iranian

JDG - The Tale of the Tape, Maru
John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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