
More than 600 people were killed when militiamen from a mainly Christian
ethnic group attacked Muslims in a small town in central Nigeria last
weekend, a Red Cross official said on Friday.

A heavily armed group of militiamen from the mainly Christian Tarok
ethnic group raided the small town of Yelwa in Plateau state on Sunday in
reprisal for an earlier Muslim attack on their own community. Their
victims were mainly members of the Hausa and Fulani tribes.

On Thursday, Umar Mairiga led the first team of Red Cross officials into
Yelwa, 220 km east of the capital Abuja, to assess the situation.

He told reporters afterwards that he was shown a mass grave where more
than 250 people were said to have been buried. Mairiga said he had heard
accounts from survivors indicating that several hundred people had been

"From what we have seen and heard we think it is correct that more than
600 people were killed," he said. Police said earlier this week they had
found 67 bodies in Yelwa.

According to Mairiga, an unknown number of people, mostly women and
children, were abducted in the attack by young Tarok men armed with guns
and machetes.

Red Cross officials treated 158 people for injuries, he added.

"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the
mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every
expanded project." - James Madison


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