
Suffer the little children to come unto me   

Republican Jesus salutes our State Security Apparatus for actions like

We have your sons: CIA

March 10 2003
By Olga Craig [The Age]

Two young sons of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the
September 11 attacks, are being used by the CIA to force their father to

Yousef al-Khalid, 9, and his brother, Abed al-Khalid, 7, were taken into
custody in Pakistan in September when intelligence officers raided a flat
in Karachi where their father had been hiding.

Mohammed fled just hours before the raid but his sons and another senior
al-Qaeda member were found cowering behind a wardrobe in the apartment.

The boys have been held by the Pakistani authorities but this weekend
they were flown to America where they will be questioned about their
father. CIA interrogators confirmed that the boys were staying at a
secret address where they were being encouraged to talk about their
father's activities. "We are handling them with kid gloves," said one
official. "After all, they are only 
little children, but we need to know as much about their father's recent
activities as possible. We have child psychologists on hand at all times
and they are given the best of are."

How do U.S. interrogators make a terrorist talk?

JESS BRAVIN and GARY FIELDS, The Wall Street Journal
Tuesday, March 4, 2003

Other than torture or truth serum, American authorities have an array of 
options in extracting information from Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

[...] U.S. authorities have an additional inducement to make Mr. Mohammed
talk, even if he shares the suicidal commitment of the Sept. 11
hijackers: The Americans have access to two of his elementary-school-age
children, the top law-enforcement official says. The children were
captured in a September raid that netted one of Mr. Mohammed's top
comrades, Ramzi Binalshibh.

When interrogators finish with Mr. Mohammed, he is likely to face a U.S. 
military tribunal, but that will probably be years from now.

U.S. Adopts Aggressive Tactics on Iraqi Fighters Intensified Offensive
Leads To Detentions, Intelligence

By Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, July 28, 2003; Page A01

BAGHDAD -- Over the past six weeks a small but intense war has been 
conducted in the mud-hut villages and lush palm groves along the Tigris 
River valley, fought with far different methods than those used in the 
campaign that toppled president Saddam Hussein.

[...] Col. David Hogg, commander of the 2nd Brigade of the 4th Infantry 
Division, said tougher methods are being used to gather the intelligence.
On Wednesday night, he said, his troops picked up the wife and daughter
of an Iraqi lieutenant general. They left a note: "If you want your
family released, turn yourself in." Such tactics are justified, he said,
because, "It's an intelligence operation with detainees, and these people
have info." They would have been released in due course, he added later.

The tactic worked. On Friday, Hogg said, the lieutenant general appeared
at the front gate of the U.S. base and surrendered.

U.S. Troops Capture Iraqi Rebel's Nephews

[Associated Press]
U.S. troops raided two homes in this central Iraqi city early Wednesday, 
detaining four nephews of the insurgent suspected of organizing attacks 
against coalition forces. The raid came a day after hostile fire brought
down a U.S. Army Apache attack helicopter west of Baghdad - the third
aircraft lost this month.

The military said two of the detained men are suspected of helping to
hide their uncle, former Iraqi Vice President Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri. The
former right-hand man of Saddam Hussein, al-Douri has a $10 million
bounty on his head and has become the most-wanted member of the former

[...] His wife and daughter were arrested on Nov. 26 and remain in
custody. The Army has refused to say why they were seized. Col. William
Darley, a military spokesman, said Tuesday there were "special
circumstances" surrounding their case.

U.S. Arrests Wife of Saddam Deputy

[Associated Press]
U.S. troops arrested the wife and daughter of a top Saddam Hussein deputy
suspected of masterminding attacks on U.S. troops, and a major pipeline 
linking northern Iraqi oilfields to the country's biggest refinery was
ablaze Wednesday.Hours after large explosions shook the center of Baghdad
near U.S. headquarters, the visiting British foreign secretary said Iraq
will be a 
safer place once the U.S.- and British-led coalition hands over power to
Iraqi government.

Troops of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division in Samarra, 70 miles north of
Baghdad, arrested the wife and daughter of Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, a top
Saddam associate, division spokesman Lt. Col. William MacDonald said

I Pledge Impertinence to the Flag-Waving of the Unindicted
Co-Conspirators of America
and to the Republicans for which I can't stand
one Abomination, Underhanded Fraud
with Liberty and Justice Forget it.

 -Life in Hell (Matt Groening)


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