> From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 02:59 PM 8/8/04, The Fool wrote:
> > >
> > > At 10:32 AM 8/7/2004 +0200 Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten wrote:
> > > >When it threatened to decrease the number of flock considerably or
> >more
> > > >to the point when contraception started interfering with the power
> >base
> > > >of the holy church.
> > >
> > > Is it so inconceivable that maybe - just maybe - they sincerely
> > > that God does not want us to engage in contraception?
> >
> >Yes.  Yes it is.
> If there is a God, why is it inconceivable?

First prove the existence of a deity.

> (I am not saying I agree or disagree with the Catholic position on 
> contraception.  I am asking the very specific question:  "Why it is 
> inconceivable that if it is the case that God exists, then He has told 
> Catholics that He does not approve of contraception?"  Please address
> responses to answering that question.  And yes, I'm still serious, and 
> still have a point here.)

Whatever popists may believe--or say they believe--It is mathematically
impossible to prove the existence of Dog.  Therefor any and all things
attributed to said deit(y|ies) is supposition.  Because their no
mathematical way to prove the existence of said deit(y|ies) it is
mathematically impossible to prove any thought, action, feeling, belief,
attribute, desire, or speech, of the unproven deit(y|ies).  JDG's
position is ignorant and superstitious at best, malicious or servile at
worst.  Just because somebody believes something to be true, that does
not make it true.  JDG can believe what he wants, but he cannot prove his
belief's true.  


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