> From: Davd Brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Alas, qbasic and xbasic were incomprehensible.  In
> trying to 'modernize', they made it impossible to
> figure out how to type a few lines and run them to see
> what happens.

Not really qbasic works very similarly to gwbasic.  The main difference
is that they removed the 'run' command, and replaced it with a menu
option (or f5).  You type in your code and press f5 and...it runs.  Also
use control-Break to break execution.  Not difficult or incomprehensible
at all.  Now if you are stepping through the code line-by-line using
breakpoints, you can use the 'immediate window' at the bottom of the
screen to 'type a few lines and run them to see what happens'.

In case you are wondering the basic interpreter that comes with ms-dos
6.2 is...Qbasic.  And qbasic works in windows just fine.

Furthermore Visual Basic can still do 99% of the things that qbasic /
gwbasic do, you just have wrap the code in functions.


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