Debbie wrote-
>From a modern medical standpoint, children drinking
> alcohol is detrimental, as alcohol is a neurotoxin;
> developing brains are more vulnerable than adult
> brains (and since our brains are still remodeling
> quite a bit through age ~21yr, college kids
> binge-drinking is harmful).  But from a survival
> standpoint, it was sensible to for all to drink
> (watered) wine, as decent drinking water was not
> often > available to our ancestors, and
> cholera/typhoid/polio etc. etc. were frequently 
> fatal.  <shrug>  After all,
> how many brain cells do you need to do
> near-subsistance agricultural labor?  (As opposed to
> more skilled labor, or reading/writing.)

Well out of my league on the effects of alcohol on kids,
but this reminded me of something I read last week.
Work has me reading/working through the book- 
"Now, Discover Your Strengths"  which has a section 
on why people should develop and excel in their
strengths (versus offsetting their weaknesses- 
unless they interfere with your strengths).  There
is a part of the book that talks about how the brain
of a 2ish month old infant grows synapses at an 
incredible rate until about 6 months.  Until age 
3 synapses learn to communicate, but then 
"neglected" synapses start to "fall into disrepair"-
such that half are gone by age 16.  

I wonder how alcohol in small sips, or even
with meals would effect this?  Might be hard to sort
it all out........ Zim are you out there?  Don't feel 
like a Medline search.   

btw, the book is good and the online test is
part of the price of the book, pretty cool.....
more in depth and not "opposites" based like the


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