At 08:07 PM 10/11/2004 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>John  Kerry, of course, meant by "global test" that America must not just
>lay out  its causes, but that we must get some form of international
>approval -  beyond the approval of getting at least 21 out of 30 formal US
>Allies to  support the Iraq War as Bush did, and apparently beyond getting
>UN Security  Council approval as we did during the first Gulf War (which
>Kerry voted  against.)
>He meant that we must test our actions in the arena of international  
>politics. That does not mean that we must require intenational  approval but
> we must 
>interact with othe nations of the world in a way  that keeps them and us 
>involved with each other. As never before we live in  close conjunction
with the 
>rest of the world. What we do affects everyone else  but it is important to 
>realize that we need the rest of the world for  economy and way of life to
>Military might is not enough anymore. We  need the rest of the world to deal 
>with us without  resentment. 

O.k. Bob, but if your interpretation of what Kerry said is more accurate -
then what do you believe would be required to pass this "global test" just
as John Kerry said.

After all, this most recent war had the support of at *least* 21 out of 30
formal US allies, by my count, and was taken to the international community
for a period of 15 months before hostilities began, and after 12+ years of
sanctions and non-cooperation with UN sanctions and resolutions.    I
presume John Kerry, however, considers that as failing the global test.

Then again, John Kerry also opposed the first Gulf War - the war that had
the largest coalition of allies since at least World War II, if not ever,
and which had a gold-plated endorsement from the United Nations Security

So, Bob, how do you imagine that John Kerry envisions passing this "global
test' of his based on his record?

John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03


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