--- David Brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> False distraction.  If Kerry opposed the 91
> campaign,
> I have yet to see evidence for that.  In any event,
> if
> he did, that is but one strike against him.  I'll
> take
> note.  It brings his list up to W's toes.

He absolutely did oppose it - he voted against the
first Gulf War and his grounds, IIRC, were that there
was an insufficient international coalition in favor
of it.  Which is, of course, absurd.  This is the
criticism that people have to address about Kerry, Dr.
Brin, and I don't see you doing it.  I think it's
entirely fair.  What does "bring our allies in" mean
_other than France_?  The British supported us.  The
Italians supported us.  The Spanish supported us
(although they do not now support us, of course).  The
Japanese supported us.  The Australians supported us. 
The South Koreans supported us.  As soon as Angela
Merkle wins the next German election (and she will)
the Germans will support us.  The Danish supported us.
 The Netherlands supported us.  So what does it mean
to say that we didn't have international support? 
Does it mean Russia and China?  If it does, then you
can't possibly favorably compare Kosovo to Iraq,
because Russia and China were every bit as opposed to
Kosovo as they were to Iraq.  So, other than a cheap
bit of dishonest rhetoric on Kerry's part about
allies, what the hell is that supposed to mean, and
what is he going to do when he finds out on his first
day in office that Jacques Chirac is giving him the
finger from across the Atlantic?  Furthermore, given
France's behavior over the last 10 years, shouldn't we
be _proud_ that France is opposed to us?  Do we want
to be on the same side as the country that aided and
abetted the Rwandan genocide?  This does not seem to
me a place of honor.  If the criticism of the Bush
Administration is that it is inept (and I think it is)
surely it's fair to ask Kerry what the hell he means
by statements that are far more clearly a lie than
anything you've ever criticized Bush about.  If he
couldn't even bring himself to support the Gulf War in
1991, then the next time somebody kills a few thousand
Americans (and it will happen) what is he going to do
when France, Russia, and China doesn't give a response
their seal of approval (and they won't)?

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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