On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 11:31:46 -0700, Warren Ockrassa
> On Nov 4, 2004, at 1:49 AM, Bryon Daly wrote:
> > On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 21:59:28 -0700, Warren Ockrassa
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> When was the last time a president was really a man of the people, as
> >> opposed to someone ludicrously rich, born to privilege, and utterly
> >> out
> >> of touch with workaday realities?
> >
> > Clinton doesn't count?  While certainly not poor, I don't think he'd
> > count as
> > any of those things.
> Hmm. While he purportedly champions The Massesâ, he *is* a lawyer and
> he *is* wealthy. Hard to call on that one. I'd have to examine his
> record of actions with that question in mind.

True about him being a wealthy lawyer, but I don't believe he fell
into the "ludicrously rich" category (though I'm not sure about that).
 I am pretty sure he wasn't "born to priveledge", though. That's
something I think helped normal people identify with him, which Kerry
lacked.  I think that we'd be hard-pressed to find any senators or
governors who weren't at least somewhat removed from the everyday
reality of things like grocery shopping.  But it would be nice to have
a president who was a man of the people as you said.

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