Robert Seeberger wrote:
Julia Thompson wrote:

The laws in the US vary from state to state.  Texas does something
fairly reasonable -- I've forgotten the age of consent, but if one
person is on one side and the other is on the other side, if the
difference in ages is a certain margin or less (again, I've forgotten what that is -- I never had reason to worry about it here!), it's not
statutory rape.  So if you're 2 months older than the age of consent
and you boink someone 3 months younger than you (i.e., younger than
the age of consent, but close to you in age) it's OK.  And 2 people
under the age of consent going at it isn't considered statutory rape.

(I like the Netherlands solution.)

I'd just like to add that saying the word "Boink" is a lot of fun.

It is.  Typing it is some fun, but not as fun as saying it.

And nothing holds a candle to doing it.  :)


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