> Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>... Now, ... it seems 
> that the same pair of mockingbirds has built a nest
> in the bush at my 
> mailbox, and in the spirit of protecting their nest,
> one of them 
> attacks me every time I go to or near the mailbox. 
> Does anyone have 
> any suggestions of how to solve the problem which
> does not involve 
> destroying the nest and any eggs/babies which may be
> in it...

Stake out a large dog by the nest, and they'll move? 
I don't think staking out a cat would work, since
you'd likely end up with either dead baby birds, or a
cowed cat, with tufts of cat fur in that nest,
cushioning baby birds...Them mockerbirds ain't
a'scairt o' *nuthin'!*

Seriously, if there are no eggs/babies yet (what else
are telescopes for?), your best bet is to take down
the nest.  Just put on your battle gear - and goggles!
- when you brave the winged furies.
(OK, that was sort of serious. <grin>)

whose Bashir was highly annoyed when his stalk of six
turkeys was interrupted by his human's arrival (yes,
6: 2 hens and 4 toms; he was within ~ 6ft of the
closest 2)

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