I couldn't quite believe what I was reading.  This is a war that was first
justified by false intelligence, then justified by the idea that liberating
Iraq's people from its opressors.  And we're supposed to believe that some
sort of white guilt is holding us back from following through on liberating
the good people of Iraq from the insurgents?  How can race have anything do
to with *this* war when the people we are liberating and the people we are
liberating them from are racially indistinguishable?

This guy is just arguing for empire, Pax Americana.  As always, it is
self-serving to the wealthy and powerful, most of whom just happen to still
be white.  If this is how they hold *themselves* back, God help us if they
decide to stop doing so.  But I don't think they are the ones holding
themselves back.  I think it is people who disagree with them who are
restraining them, as our system of government intended.  They're made it
fairly clear how they'd behave if the opposition would just disappear.

Sadly, the more I think about this, the more I see his point about guilt.  I
have come to feel great sadness and occasional anger when I hear the
self-righteousness of those who oppose the war and the leaders who got us
into it.  I believe that self-righteousness is rooted in guilt, but I'm not
convinced it is "white" guilt.  Perhaps it is guilt appropriate to a nation
that consumes far, far more than its share of the world's resources and
pretends that it is even possible to bring our extravagant way of life to
the rest of the world.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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