On 09/05/2006, at 1:14 AM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On May 8, 2006, at 2:04 PM, David Brin wrote:

The "grid" view on the Desktop behaves that way.
This is something that > annoys me as well. With the
Desktop active, go back> to the trusty "View >
options" menu from "View", and uncheck "snap to>
grid". Alternately > consider changing the icon sizes
or spacing; that> might reduce the > flying-icons

I long ago tried all of that.  Never was snap to grid
ever activated,

OK, that's gotta be an X.4 specific quirk then. Drat.

Never seen it. But then, I did a clean install of Tiger, I've heard upgrading from Panther can be... odd.


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