> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Doug Pensinger
> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:48 AM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Peaceful regime change (was Re: History lessons not learned?)
> Dan wrote:
> > I'm not interested in the Civil War in the way my brother-in-law is.
> > He's interested in the battles, what-if situations in those battles, and
> > so
> > forth.  I'm more interested in the politics of the Civil War.  For
> > example, I'm amazed by Lincoln's understanding of the inherent political
> > nature of
> > the problem.  This is illustrated by his appointment of popular
> > incompetent generals, which allowed him to keep the North together as
> > the Civil War was> fought.
> Which appointments are you referring to?

Well, McClellan was the first one to come to mind to me.  But, there are
also a number of generals who had little or no military experience before
being appointed.  Among them are Butler, Banks, McClernand, Fremont, and
Sigel.  I obtained the latter list from 


which argued that the latter were the real political generals.

By 1864, generals who could win were selected more often.  As the essay
points out as a counter to the political general argument, these victorious
generals influenced the election...even though the direct political
motivation for appointing them was not significant.  But, I think this
actually proves the point...Lincoln saw the bigger picture and did what was
needed to kept the Union.

Dan M.


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