On 7/25/06, jdiebremse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I couldn't disagree more.  To me, no WMDs means no WMDs.

Suffice to say, I don't think most people see the Iraq situation so

Aw, c'mon John.  We weren't talking about "the Iraq situation," which is
anything but simple.  We were talking about perceptions, denial and public
decision-making.  I wasn't even suggesting that all that as a whole is
simple.  I was saying that there are simple factual matters.

... the word "mistake" somehow never entered
your lexicon.  Or are you seriously suggesting that Bush, Rice,
Rumsfeld, Blair, Aznar, et al. honestly believed that Iraq did not
have WMD's?

Does it matter, really?  Like some 2,500 other U.S. families who have darn
good emotional reasons to find someone to blame, I'm tempted to question
their motives and so forth.  Perhaps I'm crazy not to. But I don't think it
matters, as they were responsible to tell us the truth.  I'm willing to give
them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they believed they were doing
the right thing.  But they failed, horribly.  I believe that focusing on
responsibility, rather than blame, is the peaceful path.

Really, who cares why they led us to war on false premises?  They are
responsible for their mistakes.

And I suppose that John Kerry, Bill Clinton, and Al Gore *also* told
us those thing in order to justify the war too, huh Nick?

Does it have to be about partisanship?  Can't it just be wrong, no matter
who's doing it?  And they are part of the leadership of the nation, so they
are responsible, too.  So am I... and you.  It's our country, our military,
our tax dollars, our sons and daughters getting traumatized and killed.  We
can do better, I'm sure, but I'm not at all confident that either of the big
two political parties are likely to make a big difference.

In other words, just because I call for accountability and responsibility
from the folks in power, please don't imagine I automatically assume that
their opponents are our saviors.  I'm not looking to the White House or the
U.N., etc., to lead us into peace.  I think it starts here, with me.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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