At 11:22 AM Wednesday 7/26/2006, John W Redelfs wrote:
On 7/25/06, Gary Nunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's with a heavy heart that I must report the SciFi Channel has sunk to a
new all time low.

I can only guess that SciFi Channel felt as if they had to do one worse
Tremors: The Series, and Scare Tactics.

[Deep sigh here]  As I type this, the SciFi Channel is showing

Gary   <---- Who just doesn't have the heart to create a witty closing
after this traumatic event.

How I love my Tivo.  I can just cherry pick the science fiction channel
movies that I want to watch and never even see the other crap.  I don't even
know how I watched TV before I had a Tivo.

Some of us look in the program guide¹ ahead of time and make decisions for ourselves . . . :)

¹Not _TV Guide_. Since the time they changed their internal format (the change _before_ changing from digest-size to magazine-size), they are no more useful in figuring out what is on than what comes free each week in the local newspaper. Used to be they would give capsule descriptions of old movies and syndicated shows so you could tell if you had seen that movie or episode before or not. Now you are lucky if they just list the name of the show. Of course, it may have something to do with the fact that stations show fewer and fewer such shows these days, having replaced them with infomercials. (If I get bored during a 2-minute commercial break, what makes you think I want to see a 30-minute commercial?)

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
        --Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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