Jim Sharkey wrote:

] The Fool wrote:
] >E. You know nothing.  You are a Fvcking idiot and a troll.

] Maybe I missed a memo, but I thought we didn't do this kind of
] shit around here.  IAAMOAC, and all that.
] Are we suspending the guidelines when our dedicated atheists
] and devout theists get into the ring to slug it out now?  If we
] are, I can bring popcorn if someone else will bring the beers!

As a list, we have not dropped our guidelines  The Fool has
definitely over-reacted.  On the other hand, William *has*
been trolling pretty heavily, and the strategy known as 
"hoping it will stop on its own" is not faring very well
at this point.  Should we as a list be consideing counteractive

-- Matt


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