----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: More crap about music - really stupid this time

> On 10/9/07, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Lord Emslie said: "The key point to note, it was said, was that the
>> findings on each occasion were the same with music audibly 
>> 'blaring'
>> from employee's radios in such circumstances that the defenders'
>> [Kwik-Fit] local and central management could not have failed to be
>> aware of what was going on."
> Heeyyyy... now I see how we can stop all those idiots who insist on 
> sharing
> their music with megawatt amplifiers in their cars... we'll give 
> their
> license plate numbers to the RIAA!
> I'm reminded of a story about Idi Amin, president and dictator for 
> life in
> Uganda.  A reporter at a press conference once said something like, 
> "People
> in your own government have accused you of doing XYZ (bad things)." 
> Amin's
> reply?  "Who?  Give me names."
> Hey, your new song is so popular, some fan says to a superstar.  "I 
> hear
> people playing everywhere."  Record label exec: "Who?  Give me 
> names."

I suspect that the next step is to charge by the ear.
Deaf in one ear?
You get music for half-price!

Half-Deaf In Both Ears Maru


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