On 12/19/2007 9:52:13 AM, Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 7:52 PM, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > My family mourns today the death of Chase Taylor Williamson, my
> > nephew, my sister
> Tracy's oldest child. Chase died hours after an
> > automobile accident in the early hours of the morning.
> I'm
> so sorry to hear this... After our
> niece's husband was killed just
> before Thanksgiving, I decided to let it be a good thing that it 
> happened
> near a holiday because it means that when the anniversary comes 
> around,
> we'll
> be with family.
> Let me offer a sentence that has helped many people get through the
> holidays
> when in grief:  "Not this year."  It means that
> it's okay to tell others --
> and yourself -- that you're choosing not to
> skip something this year.  If it
> will take more energy than it gives you, don't do it.
> How old was Chase?

He was 21.
In my immediate family we had a cluster of children all born in a 5 
year period, and they were all close and tight-knit having been 
practically raised together. Brittany was one of the older kids in 
this group and Chase was one of the younger ones. They are taking this 
very hard and watching their grief is excruciating. "It's not fair! 
It's not fair!" must have been repeated hundreds of times yesterday 
and there is so little one can say that does not sound empty during 
these initial stages of grieving. All I could do was hold them tight 
and cry with them, every single one.

I used to babysit all seven of the kids frequently. We would unfold 
the hide-a-bed couch and make popcorn or eat ice cream while watching 
monster movies. I'd get them to stay on the bed by telling them the 
"toe-monsters" would stick out their claws and snip their toes off if 
they got off and that was good for a great deal of giggly fun.
They would fall asleep with some crappy 80s horror movie on and I 
would sleep on a recliner next to the couch. I was their "Uncle 
Robbieeeeee" and it felt like all the love in the world.
Sunday morning I stood in line in the wee hours of 34 degrees so that 
I could get my son a Wii for Christmas, and thought I was suffering in 
that cold. </irony>

 I called the Ex-Wife to tell her about Chase last night and she tells 
me that she had been diagnosed with uterine cancer and had been 
hospitalized over the weekend for a procedure. So my son too has 
worries on his 12 year old mind. But we will spend this weekend and 
Christmas Day together and it is all the love in the world.

My wife's birth mother died last week. It is a complicated situation 
that precluded any chance of Susan going to the funeral. But her Dad 
and Step-Mom will coming in to town to be with us this weekend
It will still be Christmas this Christmas. And we will have all the 
love in the world as the little groups of us come together.
Tell people you love them, it matters.

Family And Extended Family Maru


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