On 1/10/2008 11:09:29 PM, Ronn! Blankenship 
> At 06:13 PM Thursday 1/10/2008, Lance A. Brown wrote:
> >Perhaps.  The use of corn to produce ethanol is already driving the 
> >cost
> >of corn higher, impacting food costs already[1].  I
> don't think we want
> >to use corn _or_ sugarcane for producing ethanol in the long term.
> [1] Karnack the Magnificent:  "A buccaneer."  (Opens the envelope 
> and
> reads the card inside.)  "What is too much to pay for corn?"
> Straight From The Mayonnaise Jar On Funk And Wagnell's
> Back Porch Maru
> -- Ronn!  :)

YMMV, but there have already been food riots in Mexico over the price 
of corn. 100 bucks an ear...ahhh a barrel oil has repercussions even 
in countries that are not significant consumers of oil per capita.

Poppies And Heroin Maru


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