On 1/21/2008 7:06:27 AM, Jim Sharkey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >Jim Sharkey wrote:
> >>William T Goodall wrote:
> >>>Evolution is a lie
> >>So is the cake.
> > I was going to have a party and invite all your friends.
> I'm glad at least someone knew that one.  Despite its brevity, I 
> think
> Portal ought to be game of the year.  It was fun, darkly hilarious,
> and features a great Jonathon Coulton song at the end.  What's
> not to
> love?
> And the best part is it requires very few "twitch" skills.  I 
> honestly
> think it's a game almost anyone could enjoy.

To me it was like an overblown intelligence test. You really have to 
twist your mind to figure out how to progress through some of the 

I bought the Orange Box after listening to people talk about how great 
it was for months figuring I'd play TF2 since I loved the original TF. 
I couldn't play TF because my PC had a crappy Nvidia 5200 card, but I 
suffered through *all* the HL2 episodes with the 5200 and in 
frustration upgraded to a 7300GT only to find it still isn't quite 
powerful enough to give good frame rates, but is just good enough to 
play the games.
(The fact that my MB is old enough to still have an AGP graphic slot 
and not PCI-E should say a lot......3.2Ghz single core)
By the time I got around to Portal, I was getting barely acceptable 
frames and having a blast. Portal *is* the game of the year without a 
doubt and the rumors that HL3 will have the Portal Gun as a feature 
have me eagerly anticipating.<G>

Can Barely Play TF Maru


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