----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: New Anonymous Vid

> Thanks, Rob, I passed along the link to a mailing list on which it's
> perfectly acceptable to leave a bare link.  :)  (At least I included 
> a
> subejct line, which doesn't always happen there, either.)
> Oh, and in Austin, in December, there was a Santa Rampage from about 
> 10AM
> until after midnight one Saturday, and at one point, there were a 
> good
> number of Santas in front of the Scientology building on the Drag
> chanting, "Naughty!  Naughty!  Naughty!"  (Heard about this from one 
> of
> the Santas....)  Just a little thing, but *something*.

This whole thing is just so crazy. It is as if a cross between "1984" 
and "V For Vendetta" had been written by Phillip Jose Farmer and John 
I think that is why I find it so entertaining and addictive.

My favorite is "Anonymous' Response To The Media":

"Dear News Organizations.
We have been watching your reporting of Anonymous' Conflict with The 
Church of Scientology. As you said. The so called Church of 
Scientology, have actively misused copyright, and trademark law, in 
pursuit of its own agenda. They attempt, not only to subvert free 
speech, but to recklessly pervert justice to silence those who speak 
out against them. We find it interesting that you did not mention the 
other objections in your news reporting. The stifling and punishment 
of dissent within the totalitarian organization of Scientology. The 
numerous, alleged human rights violations. Such as the treatment and 
events that led to the deaths of victims of the cult such as Lisa 
This Cult is Nothing but a psychotically driven pyramid scheme. Why 
are you, the news media. Afraid of discussing these matters?
It is your duty to report on these matters.
You are Failing in your Duty.
Their activities make them an affront to freedom.
Remember. All that is necessary. For the triumph of evil. Is that good 
men do nothing.
This information is Everywhere.
It is your Duty to expose it.
It is easy to find.
Google is your friend.
This is not Religious Persecution.
But the suppression of a powerful, criminal fascist regime.
It is left to Anonymous.
The Church has been declared Fair Game.
It will be dismantled and destroyed.
"When Anonymous, sees an evil fascist brainwashing organization.
Anonymous knows, it has to help mankind.
Because Anonymous knows that it is only Anonymous that can help."
Members of the Church.
Anonymous is not your enemy.
The Church of Scientology is your enemy.
The Church has enslaved you.
Free Yourselves.
Change, does not roll in, on the wheels of inevitability.
But comes through continuous struggle.
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor.
It must be demanded by the oppressed.

Take it. Demand it.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
This is only the beginning.
Expect us."

The first time I saw this I got chills and began to weep to myself. 
The way anon takes the words of Tom Cruise and throws them back into 
the face of COS, the way they mix this with the words that could come 
from any freedom fighters manifesto, it is brilliance. It resonates 
with my sense of justice. It makes me wonder if there are subsonics 
hacking into my emotional centers in my brain.<G> It is just so 
Anon is promising to make a stand for the general good. Nobody does 
that these days, at least not without looking like a corny goofball. 
But they pretty much seem to be pulling it off, and pulling people in 
with them. Their ranks are said to be growing.
Who knows if they can pull this off. It is most likely they will 
buckle before attaining anything approaching their stated goal.

But it sure is fun to watch, and who knows, they might just get some 
reform out of the COS. <G>

That's Infotainment! Maru


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