On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> > Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am proud of what we have begun and look forward, yes, to
> > what we can do.

It's a historic event and while this sounds goofy to say - I'm proud to have
taken part in it in some microscopic way.

It's funny - 4.5 years ago I would never have thought this was possible, not
any time soon.  Then, watching Obama's 2004 convention speech with my wife,
it didn't seem so unlikely and distant any more.  I said to her "wow, I can
see him become president some day".  (I didn't think it'd be as soon as
2008, though!)

> Obama's acknowledgement that we are at the beginning of what will be a hard
> slog I thought honest and realistic;

I was glad to see him say this also.  I was actually hoping he'd emphasize
this further.  So many people in the US and around the world have pinned
their hopes and dreams to him - possibly unrealistically high expectations
that I'd hate to see turn to disillusionment and bitterness when it turns
out he's a mere human - and a politician, to boot.

> *McCain's concession speech was very much a class act; I did not think he
> would be a particularly good president, but he is a good man.

The concession speech was definitely classy, and a reminder of the McCain of
the 2000 campaign.  I still wonder what would have happened if he had won
instead of Bush back then, or even what would have happened if he hadn't
sold his soul to the Republican "base" in 2004.

It'll be interesting to see if he does try to be bi-partisan, but I'm
guessing he's not going to have a lot of clout in the senate - he's
certainly lost of lot of respect of the Dems, and the Reps are likely going
to scapegoat him for losing the election by not being tough enough and
conservative enough.


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