On 25 Jul 2009, at 23:16, Richard Baker wrote:

Gary said:

I've also been watching Primeval on BBC America. SciFi Channel just started showing it. I didn't care for the first few episodes, but became hooked as the story arc developed. Of Course, BBC didn't renew Primeval and tonight's
cliffhanger episode will be the series last episode.

The BBC didn't renew Primeval because it wasn't a BBC series: it was made by and shown on ITV in the UK. Apparently it was ITV's attempt to counter the success of the revived Doctor Who but was somewhat less successful in the ratings.

It was poorly promoted as well. I never watched the first two seasons when they aired because it looked a bit naff in the promos, but then I got the DVD set of the first two seasons off Amazon very cheaply when I'd run out of stuff to watch and enjoyed it.

Apparently a Hollywood movie based on the series is in development but it won't have the same cast or tie up the cliff hangers at the end of the TV show.

And the forthcoming AMC mini-series re-imagining of _The Prisoner_ looks like it might not be awful.


William T Goodall
Mail : w...@wtgab.demon.co.uk
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