Richard  wrote:
>  A few people have been removed, a couple of them long term listees and one
>> was a moderator here. We definitely are not queasy when it comes to pulling
>> the pin.
> I'm definitely queasy about it, but I guess I'm not part of "we".

I'm queasy as well.  To my knowledge the only people kicked off of the list
by the moderators had threatened violence against other list members.

At the risk of pissing people that I've known and respected for some time,
I'd like to say that I really don't think that JW has been very offensive
and the debate he has spurred has often been interesting and informative.
 You all _know_ I don't agree with most of what he has to say, but I think
he has every right to express himself as long as he behaves in
a relatively civilized manner.

Has he been arrogant at times?  Maybe, but that sort of thing is difficult
to judge via email.  One can often sound arrogant or diffident or whiny and
not really mean to.   But if arrogance was the criteria by which we judged
people for their on list fitness, how long would JDG have lasted?   And as
much as I disagreed vehemently with that other John, I miss not having him
here to spar with.

Please, lets get back to the health care debate and quit with the personal


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